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Catalogue Raisonné
GVSU Collection
Content related to 'Oil on Canvas'
From the Mural: Depicting Ruins in Idyllic Landscape
Scene from a Maryland Farm
Portrait of a Lady
Autumn Landscape with Creek
Portrait of John A. Klise
The Apple Thief
Three Oxen and Handler, Valencia
Autumn Landscape with Birch
Harvest Time
Late Autumn
Maryland Farms
Mixed Bouquet in a Green Glass Vase
The Melon Vendor
Portrait of Albert Doezema
Vased Roses
Thornapple River at Ada, Michigan
The Cabbage Patch
The Two Messages
Portrait of W. D. Hill
Dutch Girl in an Interior
Woman Walking in a Wooded Landscape
Oxen with Rider and Boats
Roses in a Round Glass Vase
Unchaining the Oxen, Cabanal
Along the Thornapple River
Wild Grapes and Hickory
Tarpon Springs
Bathers, Laguna Beach
A Volendamer
Bridge and Stream
Winter Landscape with Pines
Landscape with Trees and Stream
Still Life of Fruit
Nude on Rocky Shore
Lotus Blossoms
Landscape with Creek and Buildings
A Dutch Mooley
Portrait of Alexander Matheson
Portrait Jane Matheson (Mrs. Alexander Matheson)
Autumn Landscape at the Lake
Early Morning Mist, Connecticut River
The Last Windmill at the Hague
The Coffer Dam
Man Feeding Chickens by a Decrepit Barn
Patio, Cabanal
Sheep Herder in a Landscape with Pine Tree
Sunset with Houses
Man Poling on a Canal
Sheep Herding Under a Crescent Moon
Portrait of a Lady
Fisherman with Horse-Drawn Cart, Scheveningen
Fishermen, Boat and Oxen, Cabanal
Road To Lake Michigan Through Autumn Landscape
Dog Resting at Lake Michigan Shore
Man Standing on Snowy Path
Fisherfolk on the Seashore
Grading the Roadbed
The Fisherman's Daughter
Canal in DeHaag with Windmill
View of the Blue Dome of the Cathedral da Valencia, Valencia
Entrance to Calvaria, Sagunto
Shell Fishing
Arbor Vitaes
Brower Lake
Loading Sand
Fisherman Standing in a Boat, Cabanal
Rescuing a Boat
Beached Fishing Boat with Men and Oxen, Cabanal
Indian Riders
Harvest Time
Woman Gathering Wood in a Landscape
Boats at Rockport, Massachusetts
Farmer with Two Work Horses
Farmer Husking Corn
Garden in Spring with Figures
Oxen, Men and Boats, Valencia
Maryland Farms
Mural,The Wilcox Home (Detail)
Dutchman Gardener in a Cabbage Patch
Vased Pink Roses
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Woman Feeding Chickens in a Farmyard
Cabbage Patch
Michigan Summer Landscape with Stream
Woman at a Well, Cabanal
Twin Lakes
Fallen Pine at Sunset
Michigan Autumn Landscape
Toilers of the Sea
Beaching the Boat, Cabanal
Horse Drawn Wagon on a Rural Road with Sunset
Valencia Sardine Fisher, Cabanal
Sheep at Sunset
French Landscape
Roses in Multi-colored Vase
Man and Woman in a Cabbage Patch on a Sunlit Hazy Morning
Rockport Pier, Cape Ann, Near Gloucester
Hilly Landscape, Champagne, France
Autumn Landscape with Sheep and Corn Shocks
Man Walking in a Forest
Alten Cottage in Springtime
Michigan Landscape with Stream
Vased Dahlias
Vased Lilacs
Nude, Portrait of Mr. J. B. Roche
Autumn Hillside
Vased Floral Arrangement
Cows Grazing Near a Stream
Autumn Landscape With Fallen Tree
The Stranded Herring Boat
Spring Landscape
Boy and Horse at the Well, Valencia
Still Life of Fish
Portrait of Helen Louise Williams
Fisherman in a Landscape
The Straw Stack
Water Carrier, Sagunto
Reeds Lake
Roses on a Tabletop
Portrait of Godfrey Von Platen (4)
Michigan Autumn Landscape with Birches
Footbridge over Stream
French Peasant Woman with Basket and Rake
Woman Harvesting Cabbage
Tarpon Springs
Dip Net Fishing
Dutch House, Voorburg
Resting Cow
St. Marks Episcopal Church
Channel at Grand Haven
The Dutch Fisherman
Landscape with Figures and Sheep
Pines with Road and Lake
Canal with Man and Ducks, Gouda
A Valencian Peasant, Cabanal (Study)
Along the High Banks of the River
Landscape with Stream, Bridge and Buildings
Potted Lilies and Poppies
Indian with Packhorse, Taos
Lily Pond
Landscape with Stream
Adoration of the Magi
Autumn Landscape with Cows
Landscape with Adobe and Fence, Ranchito, Taos
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Portrait of Jacob Rauschenberger
Kite Flyers
Horse Drawn Cart, Scheveningen
Tarpon Springs
Resting Cows
Calf and Chickens
Portrait of the Dickenson Children
Large Tree at Reeds Lake with Rowboat
Marshland in Spring
Portrait of a Gentleman
Autumn Landscape with Stream
Vased Roses with Pearls and Figural Covered Dish
Night Cometh
Cows Alongside a Channel
Oxen, Boat and Fishermen, Valencia
Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of Frank A. Stone
Dutch Canal, Ryswyk
Landscape with Man and Cattle
Portrait of Marian Louise Gommesen
Basket of Lilacs
Massachusetts Autumn
Hilly Landscape with Stream
Roses in a Green Glass Vase
A Day in June
Stormy Day
Birches with Farm Buildings
Dutch Farmer with Cows, Voorburg
Going Home
Late Winter Landscape with Chickens
Flowers in a Green Glass Bowl
Landscape with House and Pond
Scheveningen Harbor
Pine Ridge at Townsend Park
Near Eastmanville
Before the Storm, Holland Michigan
Oxen Handler and Boat, Cabañal
Farmer in Cabbage Patch
Blooming Tree with Stream
Winding Stream with Oak
Autumn Woods
Landscape with Stream and Pines
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Landscape with Cows and Figure
Oxen, Handler and Boat, Cabanal
Man and Dog at Ferry Crossing
Resting Apache Family
Autumn Landscape
Logging, Netherlands
Mending Nets
River Road
Marsh Haying, Lyme
Man Before a Crucifix
White Swans
Sponge Boat, Tarpon Springs
Three Burros and a Boy, Taos
Power Canal for the Flour Mill
A Tryst, Taos
Boy Flyng Kite
Waves, Lake Michigan
Birches and Stream with Stone Bridge
Plowing at Sunset
Vased Zinnias
The Apple Thief
Portrait of A.B. Goodman
Portrait of Lora Maude Benjamin
Portrait of Mrs. Frank Seidman and Children
Gladiators, Lunette Mural
Chariot Race, Lunette Mural
Farmers with Horse Cart
Autumn Landscape with Stream
The Colored Cow, Den Haag
Raking up Chestnut Leaves, Leidschendam
Grand River Valley
Autumn Landscape with Creek
Michigan Autumn Landscape
Landscape with Autumn Trees and Pool
Autumn Landscape with Stream
Boy at Creekside
Stream with Bowed Bridge
Plowing under Cloudy Skies
Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of Arthur Kirkpatrick
Michigan Spring Landscape
Beached Boat and Oxen, Cabanal
A Graveyard Near Taos
Coral Gables, Florida
Wilcox Park
Cows in a Farmyard
Ice Cutters Returning from Work
The Cavalier
Cows at the Riverside
Birches in Winter
Autumn with Cows and Water
Girl at Fountain, Mission San Juan Capistrano
Buck Creek
Christ and Nicodemus
Descent from the Cross
Stream with Bridge and Automobile
The Last Load
Cows Drinking in Stream
Michigan Stream with Rushing Water
Roses in a Green Glass Vase
Summer Landscape with Evergreens
Oxen, Driver and Boat, Cabañal
Farmers in a Wheat Field
Cattle Under Flowering Tree
Idle Fishermen
House by the Lake
Portrait of Carl E. Bjorncrantz
At the Gate
Oxen and Beached Boats, Cabañal
Portrait of Tjerk (Charles) Doezema
Summer Landscape with Bayou
Landscape with Stream
Summer Landscape with Stream
The Old Mill
Portrait of Mrs. Edward G. Hendrich
Mural, Hope Street Home, West Wall (Detail)
Bachelor Buttons and Calendula
Forest Park
Horse Cart and Driver on the Beach
Burned Building with Horse Cart
River Banks
First Greens
Michigan Landscape with River
Portrait of Edward G. Hendrich
Portrait of William Urban Murray
Portrait of Carl Bjorncrantz
Michigan Autumn Landscape
Michigan Summer Woods
Watering Hole
Oxen, Driver and Boat at Cabanal
Mural (2) of an English Hunting Scene
Mural of an English Hunting Scene
Landscape with Birches
French Peasant Woman Shelling Peas, Etaples
Second Christian Science Church
Horse Shay
The Great Church, Dordrecht
Girl in Hollyhock Garden
Portrait of Newman Miller
Looking North along the Grand from Lower Island
Calf in a Farmyard
Farmer Plowing with Team of Oxen
Portrait of Judge Willis B. Perkins
Reeds Lake
Oxen and Handler on the Beach, Cabanal
Lake Michigan
Spring Landscape with Rushing Stream
Vegetable Garden, Ryswyk
Boats at Anchor, Netherlands
Green Lake
Harvesting Cabbage
Autumn Landscape with Stream
Autumn Landscape with Birch Trees
Lake with Cottage and Round-Roofed Barn
Vased Lotus Blossoms
On Het Strand, Scheveningen
Reeds Lake
Woman Gathering Wood
Cart, Horses and Farmers
Loading the Boulder
Sunbath, Ryswyk
Sardine Fishers Return, Cabanal
Michigan Autumn Landscape
Birches and Lake
Laguna Beach
Michigan Autumn Landscape
Peonies and Roses
Nude, Seated
Self Portrait at Easel
Nude with Plate of Fruit
Christmas Cactus
Farm Scene
Roses and Daisies
Spanish Man in Boat, Cabañal
Landscape with Pond
Farmer with a Team of Horses
Three Horses Grazing
The Willows
A Windy Day at Cabanal
Autumn Landscape with Stream
Loading Wood
Early Summer Landscape with Stream
Woman of Taos
Portrait of Judge Loyal E. Knappen
Portrait of Amelia I. Kenyon Knappen
Michigan Landscape with Shed and Dam
Cart, Horses and Farmers
Spring Wild Florwers
Portrait of W. B. Herpolsheimer
Shell Fisher
Workers in a Field
The Sandscraper
Woman Reading
Taking Down the Sail
Bend in the River
Spring Landscape with Meandering Stream and Cattle
Meandering Stream
Rocks at Laguna Beach
Farmer and Oxen, Lyme
Dutchman with Canal Boat
Windy Day, Valencia
Michigan Autumn Landscape
Bringing Home the Cows
Little Bear Creek
Summer Sky Landscape
Katina at Anchor (2)
Autumn Landscape with Stone Fence, Lyme
Nude with Gold Bracelet
Summer Landscape with Stream
Autumn Oaks
Cows by the River
Hillside with Flowering Trees
Taos Valley
Docked Boats, Tarpon Springs
Farmer among Corn Shocks
Beached at Katwyk
Summer Landscape
Birches, Ada, Michigan
Michigan Autumn Landscape
Oxen and Fisherman
Spreading Tree
Repairing the Wheel
On the Beach, Cabanal
Rocks and Surf, Laguna
An Apache in Profile
Resting Cows
Corn Shocks
Taos Valley
Unfurling the Sail, Valencia
Beached, Valencia
Spring Landscape with Flowering Trees
Autumn Landscape with Crescent Moon
Summer Fields
Cows Under Stormy Skies
Dutch Canal with Windmill, Leidschendam
River with Marsh Grass
Autumn Landscape with Stream
Autumn Landscape with Bridge
Early Spring
Autumn Landscape with Country Road
Autumn Landscape with River
In Autumn Attire
Michigan Autumn
Autumn Landscape, Michigan
Autumn Landscape with Pool
Early Autumn with Corn Shocks
Pulling Out
Still Life of Grapes
Spring Landscape with Three Girls
Portrait of William J. Kennedy
Autumn Landscape with Stream
Husking Corn
Portrait of Judge Loyal E. Knappen (1854 - 1930), 1919 #1
Valencian Fishermen
Mural, Hope Street Home, East Wall (Detail)
Figures and Boats, Cabañal
Portrait of Joseph H. Martin
Resting Cows
An Autumn Wood
Maryland Farms
Madison Avenue Bridge
Oxen, Men and Boats, Cabanal
Quinces and Grapes
Farmer with Two Horses
Nude on Rocks at Laguna
House with Bridge and Stream, Sagunto
Filling in the Marsh, Lyme
Landscape with Cows and Stream
Nude with Frog
Portrait of Lucinda (Mrs. John H.) Haak
Portrait of Fred Weber
Boy Eating Melon
Lotus Blossoms
Portrait of Miss Peggy Jardine
Portrait of Sybil Smart
The Cow Path
Portrait of Major Nathan S. Boynton
Portrait of Howard Hall
First United Methodist Church in Winter
Voigt Milling Company in Autumn
Portrait of Percy L. Churm
Portrait of Arthur W. Krause
Birches in an Autumn Landscape
Landscape with Herd of Sheep
Boats at Katwyk
Husking Corn, Lyme
Still Life of Rabbits and Ducks
Portrait of J. G. Fisher
Dueling Scene
Early Autumn Landscape with Stream
Autumn Landscape at the Lake
Farm Scene
Landscape with Rockpile
Landscape with Stream
Boys Flying Kites
Making Rope
Reclining Nude
The Last Furrow, Lyme
Cows at the Grand River near Coit Avenue
Lotus Blossoms
The Nativity
Nude Bathers
Farmer Herding Sheep
Portrait of Miss Anita Malek
Autumn, Michigan
Michigan Autumn Landscape
Horses under Flowering Tree
Autumn Landscape with Stream
Seagulls at Lake Michigan
Blue Lake
The Melon Vendor
Old Homestead
Wheat Field
Roses on a Tabletop
Portrait of George Clapperton
Laguna Beach Seascape
Portrait of John H. Haak
Summer Landscape with Wheat Field
Plowing at Dusk
Autumn Landscape with Stream
Portrait of John J. Haak
Spanish Beach Scene, Cabanal
Sassafras and Sumac
Winter Landscape with Birches
Oxen and Sailboat, Cabanal
Bathers at Reeds Lake
Portrait of Tommy (Tom Quimby)
The Artist's Daughters
Landscape with Cows
Gulls at Leland Harbor
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Indian on Horseback, Taos
Portrait of Alice, 10 Years Old
In the Pyrenees
Beached, Cabanal
Clam Digging
Michigan Landscape with Pool
Sponge Boats, Tarpon Springs
Autumn Landscape
The Two Bull-Heads
Sun and Shadow - An Autumn Day in Michigan
Winter Landscape
Cabbage Patch
Portrait of Amelia I. (Mrs. Loyal E.) Knappen
Portrait of Judge Loyal E. Knappen
Landscape with Pond and Boat
The Valentine
A Bushel of Lilacs
Michigan Autumn Landscape
Road Through An Autumn Landscape, Michigan
Street Scene, Sagunto
Just Pulling In, Cabanal
Waiting, Taos
Michigan Landscape with Stream
Horses and Wagons at a Dock
Salt Meadow, Lyme
Windy Day
Rowboats, Reeds Lake
Three Windmills
Boy on a Horse, Cabanal
Sponge Boat, Tarpon Springs
Street Scene, Sagunto
Pulling Out, Valencia
Feeding the Oxen, Lyme
Pulling In, Valencia
Brawn and Brain
Autumn Landscape with Stone Fence, Lyme
Drover and Cattle
Michigan Autumn
An Unruly Wind
Landscape with Sheep, Lyme
Portrait of a Lady in a Blue Dress
Regatta Day at Macatawa
Cutting Wheat
Changing the Plow
Michigan Winter Landscape
Man with a Wheelbarrow
Reeds Lake from the North Side
Woman Feeding Chickens, Voorburg
West End of Fisk Lake
Cabbage Patch
Indian Summer
California Sycamores
Can a Woman Keep a Secret? (Copy)
Self Portrait with Overcoat and Felt Hat
Mural,The Wilcox Home (Detail)
Mural,The Wilcox Home (Detail)
Valencian Fishing Boats
Self Portrait
Hauling in the Sardine Boat
Michigan Landscape
Laguna Beach, California
In the Gravel Pit
Portrait of Miss Dickinson
Self Portrait with Palette and Brushes
Portrait of the Henry B. Herpolsheimer Family
Portrait of Judge Flavius L. Brooke
Portrait of John A. Klise
Moonlit Landscape, Michigan
Three Nudes and a Man in a Church
Portrait of Guy Willard Chaffee
Horses, Farmer and Wagon
Self Portrait
Cover, The Commonwealth Magazine, Sept. 1921
Cover, The Commonwealth Magazine, Aug. 1921
Cover, The Commonwealth Magazine, May 1921
Cover, The Commonwealth Magazine, Apr. 1921
Cover, The Commonwealth Magazine, Dec. 1920
Feeding the Chickens
Rocks and Gulls, Laguna Beach
Bathers, Laguna
Portrait of Mrs. Godfrey Von Platen
Portrait of Godfrey Von Platen (2)
Gulls of Leland
Rancho de Taos
Tarpon Springs
Beaching a Boat, Barcelona
Lone Cedar
Landscape with Fallen Trees
Cabanal Fishermen
Portrait of Duncan Phyfe (Copy)
Indian Corn, Taos
Across the Thornapple River
Portrait of Franz Kuenzel
Laguna Beach
Three Fishermen in a Boat, Valencia
Katina at Anchor, Tarpon Springs
Down the Coast, Laguna Beach
Beaching the Boats, Cabanal
Resting, Cabanal
Sunny Day in Spain, Cabañal
Portrait of a Paul O. Rathman
Fishing Boats at Rockport
French Peasant Woman
Portrait of Blanche P. Halow (Mrs. S. A. Halow)
Portrait of Mr. Sahlim Anthony Halow (Detail)
Portrait of Dr. Louis A. Roller
Spanish Marine, Cabanal
Spanish Sardine Fishers, Cabanal
Watchful Waiting, Taos
The Brook
Landscape with Sunset
Portrait of a Gentleman
Beaching the Boat at Valencia
Horses, Cart and Man
The Sources of Wealth,
Lunette Mural (Copy)
View of the Gas Works from Lower Island on the Grand
Autumn Landscape
Autumn Landscape with Stream and River
Young Girls on the Beach, Valencia
Swans at John Ball Park
Michigan Landscape
The Alten Cottage in Spring
Sycamores, Santa Ana, California
Beaching the Boat
Windy Day, Cabanal
California Sycamore
The Channel at Grand Haven
The Uses of Wealth,
Lunette Mural, (Copy)
Fishtown, Leland
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Washing the Horse
Autumn Landscape with Grazing Horse
Nude, Morning
Beached, Cabanal
Harvest Time with Horses and Wagon
The Bend in the River
The Grand River
Landscape with Adobe and Stream, Taos
Grain Harvest
Three Women in a Rowboat
Farmer with Horse Cart under Flowering Tree
Autumn at the Lake with Woman
The Approaching Storm
Farmyard with Goat and Calves, Lyme
Rowboat on Shore, Reeds Lake
Boating Scene, France
Autumn Landscape with Pond
Boats and Oxen, Cabanal
Dutch Canal with Bridge, Nootdorp
Portrait of Dudley E. Waters
Self Portrait, Myself at 66
Portrait of Justice Ernest A. Snow
Portrait of Justice John W. Stone
Portrait of Justice John E. Bird
Portrait of Justice Robert M. Montgomery
Nude Boy on the Beach, Valencia
Michigan Landscape with Stream
Summer Landscape with Cattle
Woman with Baby in Summer Landscape
Portrait of Dr. Charles Shepard
Hauling the Boulder
The Gravel Dump
Portrait of Anita Marie Gilleo
Five Classical Nudes
Heavy Snow in the Woods
Mission San Fernando Rey de España
Dip Net Fishing on the Grand River
Sailboats at Reeds Lake
Autumn Landscape with Creek
At The Well
The Clam Gatherers
Waiting for the Fishermen
Michigan Landscape
White Roses in a Chinese Vase
Grading Down the Hillside
A Lean Harvest, Lyme
Autumn Landscape, Roadway Along a Lake
The Old Homestead
French Peasant Man in an Interior, Etaples
French Peasant Woman Knitting in an Interior, Etaples
Figures with Team of Horses
The Old Landing
Model (unfinished)
Smiling Model
Portrait of Bertha Alten
Boys with Boat, Cabanal
The Waiting, Lyme
The Slush Scraper
The Fallen Tree
Unloading Hay
Portrait of Judge Cyrus E. Perkins
Prize Cows
Sponge Boat, Tarpon Springs
Portrait Carmi Reddick Smith
Portrait of Miss Katherine Baert
April Moon
Church in Ipswich (South Congregational Church)
The Gravel Pit
Portrait of Anskje (Mrs.Tjerk) Doezema
Summer Landscape with Cows
Portrait of William C. Grobhiser
Michigan Summer Landscape
St. Marks Episcopal Church
The Cabin
Portrait of Captain Edward W. Leonard
Dutch Landscape with Stream and Cows
Michigan Landscape with Pond
Clam Fishing
Dutch Washerwoman
The Hollow Tree
Waiting For the Return of the Fishermen
Children on the Beach, Valencia
Autumn with Wind Blown Clouds
Portrait of Carrie E. Roller
Sunset, Lake Michigan
Autumn Landscape with Stream
Portrait of Caroline Foran
Canal at Ryswyk
Shell Gatherer, Valencia
Autumn Landscape with Chicken Coop
Autumn Landscape
On The Pere Marquette
Portrait of Charles W. Kirsch
A Scheveningen Type
The Retired Fisherman, Scheveningen
Unloading Salt Hay, Lyme
Noonday Meal
Crashing Waves, Laguna
Portrait of Bishop Edward Kelly
Portrait of Judge Richard H. Flannigan
Self Portrait 1935
Self Portrait
Rider, Taos
Thoroughbreds, Lyme
Old Apache Chief
Cabanal Fishermen
Indian Woman Sweeping
Distant Sailboats
Old Pier at Leland
Indian Scouts
The Village Church at Ada
Portrait of Lieutenant George Merrick Hollister
Tarpon Springs
California Landscape
California Sycamores
Old Indian, Taos
Pulling Out
Landscape with Footbridge and Birches
Taking a Drink
Landscape with Farmer Plowing
The Dancer
Portrait of Dianne Demmon, 5 Years Old
Portrait of Bertha Alten
Portrait of Bertha Alten
Mission San Juan Capistrano
Laguna Beach Seascape
Nude Dancer
Sea Nymph, Laguna Beach
A Valencian Peasant
Portrait of Judge Loyal E. Knappen (1854 - 1930), 1919, #2
Flower Vendor, Paris
House with Gables and Gingerbread
Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo
Mission San Diego de Alcalá
Mission San Juan Capistrano
Mission San Antonio de Pala
Mission San Antonio de Pala
Mission San Antonio de Pala
Mission San Luis Rey de Francia
Dutch Loggers, Ryswyk
Mission San Juan Capistrano
Unloading the Nets, Cabañal
Self Portrait with Cigar
Fisherman's Cove at Low Tide, Laguna
From Above, Tarpon Springs
Fishing Boats, Tarpon Springs
Portrait of Miss Miriam Suleeba
Portrait of Florence Malek
Portrait of Lt. Avery C. Gilleo
Portrait of Bertha M. Shead
Landscape with Lone Tree
Portrait of Mrs. Louis J.(Charlotte) DeLamarter
Portrait of Bobby Thoits
Tarpon Springs
Fishermen in a Boat
Haying Time
At the Well
Wading Ashore, Cabanal
Indian Scouts
California Sycamore
Vased Lilies
Lilies and Forget-Me-Nots
Modern Floral
Autumn Landscape
Evdokia at Anchor
Tarpon Springs
Irving Couse's Garden
Spanish Boat, Cabanal
Pulling in for the Winter, Scheveningen
The Breakers, Laguna Beach
Boiling the Floats
Portrait of Dr. Alfred Wesley Wishart (seated)
The Alten Cottage in Autumn
Portrait of Colonel George G. Briggs
Indian with Horses, Taos
The Draught of the Fishes, Valencia
At the Playa Cabanal
Cows Taking a Drink, Lyme
Mission San Juan Capistrano
Burro and Pigs, Cabanal
Embarcation, Cabanal
Cottonwoods, Taos
Laguna Seascape
Portrait of Eleanore Alten Gilleo
Smoking Dancer
Model with Spanish Hat (right profile)
Model with Spanish Hat (left profile)
July Memories
Camelia of the Delphiniums
Autumn in Gloucester
Pink Hibiscus
Reclining Nude (Unfinished)
Portrait of Bishop Joseph Gabriel Pinten
Self Portrait
Sacred Garden, Mission San Juan Capistrano
Haying Time, Lyme
The Footbridge
Old Woman of Sagunto
Two Marys at the Tomb
Vased Chrysanthemums at a Window
Portrait of a Lady
Self Portrait in a White Shirt
Self Portrait in a Blue Suit and Tie
Portrait of Camelia Alten
Blue Floral Calendula
Vased Flowers at a Window
Portrait of Dorothy Dickinson
Portrait of Ralph W. Demmon
Nude at the Beach
Mission San Juan Capistrano
Vased Flowers
Garden Flowers with Poppies
Self Portrait
Calendula in a Glass Pitcher
Boy with Wheelbarrow
Red Roses in a Yellow Pitcher
Potted and Vased Flowers with Dancing Figurine
Model with Black Mantilla
Taos Country Fiddler
Portrait of Chief Justice Walter H. North (in judicial robe)
Cow at Den Haag
Portrait of Chief Justice Walter H. North (without judicial robe)
Self Portrait, Sketch by Himself
Portrait of Camelia Alten Demmon
Portrait of Viola Alten at Seventeen
Hanging Mallards
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Tethered Calf #1
Reeds Lake
Just a Nibble, Tarpon Springs
Portrait of Viola Alten on a Swing
Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of Dr. Alfred Wesley Wishart (standing)
Michigan Landscape
Portrait of Dorothy Williams
The Gravel Pit
Michigan Pasture with Cows
The Old Fisherman
The Sycamores
At the Sand Pit
Portrait of Mrs. Thomas C. Irwin
Portrait of a Gentleman
Portrait of Mrs. Strong
Taos Mission
Rancho de Taos (Mission San Francisco de Asis)
Smoking Apache, Taos
Buck Creek
St. Marks Episcopal Church
Farm Scene, Jenison, Michigan
Summer Landscape
Haying Time
Haying Time
Twin Lakes
Self Portrait (Pintor)
Harvest Fields
Ending the Day
Self Portrait (By Himself)
Boys Eating Melons
The Last Load
Sponge Fishers, Tarpon Springs
The Sail Mender, Tarpon Springs
Boats at Dock, Rockport
The Last Load
Country Lane with Birches
The Gravel Dump
Tarpon Springs
Three Horse Team
Birches in Winter
Sunset on the Farm, Saugatuck
Hauling in the Sardine Boat
Fishermen, Valencia
Spanish Sardine Fishers
Horse Cart, Valencia
Muddy Road
Still Life Spilled Basket of Corn
The Scraper
At the Trough
Portrait of Mrs. Lucille Cusick Murray
Portrait of Miss Lillian Stedman Jackson
Portrait of Miss Prendergast?
Portrait of Miss Gertrude Ethelyn Sligh
The Golden Hour
Portrait of Mrs. Louis J. DeLamarter
Autumn Landscape with Cows and Pond
House and Windmill
Harvesting Corn Stalks
Riders, Taos
Nude with Rug and Blue Vase
Newsie-on-the-Job - Portrait of Robert Derolme
Portrait of Miss Jean Jardine
Lamberton Creek
Michigan Homestead
Portrait of Hildegarde (Mrs. Daniel J.) Wall
Portrait of Major General Guy M. Wilson
Calvaria, Sagunto
Autumn Landscape along the Muskegon River
Ada Cows
Rowboat, Reeds Lake
The Evdokia, Tarpon Springs
Blue Floral
Indian Girl, Taos
Stormy Day, Cabañal
Boy on Horse with Burro
Farm Yard, Lyme
Vased Floral Arrangement
Mural, Robin Hood
Whistling Indian, Taos
White Roses
Digging Clams
Clam Digger, Scheveningen
Fishing Boat, Katwyk
Portrait of Homera Portman Schmitzer
Pulling a Boat to Shore
Dutch Windmill
Docks at Den Haag
Shell Fishers
The Broken Mast
Dutch Scene
Hay Stacks
The Color Mixer
Portrait of Infant Gloria Demmon
Winter Landscape, Paris
Mixed Flowers with Blue Vase
Tarpon Springs
Upright Pines
Fish Scaler
Morning Mist
Gathering Pumpkins at Sunset
Picnic at Macatawa
Gladiolas and Cosmos
Landscape with Figure and Burned Building
Refueling the Boat, Tarpon Springs
Harbor at Katwyk
Summer on the Kalamazoo River, Saugatuck
Idling Boats, Tarpon Springs
Tending the Boats, Tarpon Springs
Husking Corn at Dusk
Swans at John Ball Park
Nude, Awakening
Nude with Amaryllis
Spanish Boy and Horse
A Hot Summer Day
Morning Rose
Spanish House with Seated Figures and Palm Tree
Orchard in Springtime
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Indian with Horses
Autumn Landscape with Stream
Autumn Landscape
Egyptian Lotus
At the Trough
Sunday Morning, Lyme
Pink and White Roses, Portland
Morning, Lyme
The Striped Skirt
Mission San Juan Capistrano
Harvesting Wheat
Cabanal (Unfinished)
Three Sisters in an Orchard
Hollywood Florida Beach Scene
Portrait of Father. Patrick R. Dunnigan
Husking Corn, Lyme
Portrait of Julia Schwind
Portrait of Abraham May
Grand River Flats
Viola Among the Poppies
Picnic at Manhattan Beach, Reeds Lake
Laguna Beach, California Scene
Portrait of Viola Craw Parcell
Rocky Soil, Lyme
Summer Landscape with Split Rail Fence, Lyme
Autumn Landscape, Lyme
Upright Pines
Captain Edward W. Leonard
Oxen, Boat and Fishermen, Valencia
French Peasant Woman Knitting in an Interior, Etaples
Portrait of Chief Justice Walter H. North
View of Channel
Lakeshore with Fisherman and Cedars
Lake Michigan Beach
The Channel at Grand Haven
Sunset, Lake Michigan
The Coffer Dam
Sassafras and Sumac
Pink and White Roses, Portland
Farmer Plowing with Team of Oxen
Brower Lake
Mission San Juan Capistrano
House with Bridge and Stream, Sagunto
Rescuing a Boat
Spring Landscape
Farmers and Horses in a Field
Cows Grazing By A River, In An Early Autumn Landscape
The Uses of Wealth
The Sources of Wealth
Waiting, Taos
Autumn Field with Corn Shocks and Stream
Horse Drawn Wagon on a Rural Road with Sunset
French Peasant Man in an Interior, Etaples
Self Portrait
Looking North along the Grand from Lower Island
Camelia of the Delphiniums
Pulling Out
Hauling in the Boat
Stormy Day
Autumn Reflections at Dusk
Roses on Tabletop
Autumn Landscape with Pond
Old Homestead
Loading the Tree
Autumn Landscape with Stream
Landscape with Figures and Sheep
Farmyard with Haystack and Chickens
An Unruly Wind
Unfurling the Sail, Valencia
Shell Fisher's Return, Scheveningen
Footbridge Over Stream
Hauling the Boulder
Pulling Out the Boat
Shell Fisher
Farmers with Horse Cart
Portrait of Bishop Joseph Gabriel Pinten
Portrait of Bishop Edward Kelly
Self Portrait, Myself at 66
Portrait of W. B. Herpolsheimer
Portrait of Mrs. Godfrey Von Platen
Portrait of Godfrey Von Platen
Portrait of Bertha M. Shead
Portrait of a Gentleman
The Slush Scraper
Unloading Salt Hay, Lyme
Workers in a Field
California Sycamore
Fisherman's Cove at Low Tide, Laguna
Portrait of Lucinda (Mrs. John H.) Haak
Model with Black Mantilla
Portrait of a Lady
Model with Spanish Hat (left profile)
Portrait of William J. Kennedy
Portrait of Camelia Alten Demmon
Portrait of Ralph W. Demmon
Nude with Amaryllis
Sunny Day in Spain, Cabañal
Fishing Boats at Rockport, 1931
Gathering Pumpkins at Sunset
Haying Time
Clam Digger, Scheveningen
Michigan Summer Woods
Plaza de la Virgen, Valencia
Spring Landscape with Meandering Stream and Cattle
Farmer and Oxen, Lyme
Windy Day, Cabañal
Harvesting Corn Stalks
Gulls of Leland
Bend in the River
Tarpon Springs
Oxen, Driver and Boat at Cabañal
Shoeshine Boy
Picnic at Macatawa
Michigan Autumn Landscape
Dutch Loggers, Ryswyk
Plowing at Sunset
Husking Corn, Lyme
View of the Gas Works from Lower Island on the Grand